AI Assets Technology Generates New Business for Cardno
A winning combination
Cardno is an ASX listed international business that works to improve physical and social infrastructure for global communities. For 70 years, Cardno has been a world leader in the provision of professional services to improve the physical and social environment.
AI Assets provided services to Cardno for the past 10 years, since Cardno won an important project for the RTA in NSW.
“When we first tendered for the RTA work, AI Assets had its first version of the software on the market,” said David Taylor, Business Unit Manager in Building Services at Cardno. “It was a bit primitive however it was exceptionally good and helped us win the initial tender.”
As AI Assets founder and CEO Wayne Herbert kept developing the software, it gave Cardno an advantage in tendering and the company were able to pick up projects with little fuss.
Easy data collection
“Our clients love the format, the way the data is represented and the ease of data collection,” David said.
“Another advantage is the way software ties in photos so that a full photographic record for all spaces and defects can be identified during the ssessment process and provided as part of the reporting. This and the mobility of the software are all things our clients like. It is far more efficient than Excel spreadsheets.”
$1.5m in new business achieved
David explained that using AI Assets, Cardno were able to win major clients including Serco – a major facility management service group that specialises in health, immigration, justice and correctional services under contract from the Australian Federal Government.
“By using AI Assets software, we won major clients including Serco Group, which was for a $600,000 project to carry out condition audits and asset registers on 29 immigration facilities around Australia, including Christmas Island,” David said.
Another major project won using AI Assets was the $900,000 asset register and condition audit of 451 facilities around state campuses for the University of West Australia.
Easy to use and flexible
“Using AI Assets, we have won new clients, been able to set up rooms and easy systems for parent reporting and export data quite easily into existing databases. It is a very flexible technology,” David said.
Business Unit Manager, Building Services

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